(Above: This is Kaylee. She was one of the first "test dummies" on the False Grips. One year of progress on the muscle up!)
Hello world!!!
My goodness! Where to begin? We have been working on this project for the past 14 months and we are finally here bringing it to the outside world. I'd like to first thank a few very important people that allowed this to happen.
First, a huge thank you to my beautiful wife Janelle for supporting me every step of the way. She is always my biggest fan and I definitely couldn't have done any of this without her help.
Next, a huge thanks to OSO Barbell. Tyler, Thomas and Sara all played a role in helping get False Grips off the ground much quicker than it would've gone otherwise. We look forward to our future relationship with OSO and hope to bring you guys the highest quality product.
Finally, a huge thanks to some key members at MBS CrossFit - Erika for getting the website and marketing plan together, Kaylee, Ravel and many others that were continual "test dummies" on the initial prototypes, and, to everyone at the gym for asking about progress of the product and providing feedback along the way.
My first post is all about being grateful for the community of people surrounding me. I am humbled and honored to be able to work with you guys on this and future projects.
Next up, I'm looking forward to helping athletes master the muscle up, coaches train the muscle up more effectively and delivering some colorful commentary along the way!
Thanks for the reading. Talk to you all again soon!
- Pat Burke