The Open Is Around the Corner: Here Are Your Muscle Up Resources

The 2018 CrossFit Games Open starts on February 22nd - just 6 weeks away!

Although the past two years we have not seen ring muscle ups appear, that doesn't mean they are out of the question this year. As the Open approaches, the pressure to get your first muscle up increases. We created this product for you, so you can go into the Open or any other competition with confidence. Let us help you this Open season by either guiding you to your first muscle up, or helping you build more muscle up endurance so you can do them under some pretty nasty fatigue. 

The resources we have readily available are:

4-Week Muscle Up Program: Download a free PDF that defines 4-weeks of drills for obtaining your strict muscle up. Send us videos of your skills and drills through email or social media and receive coaching cues and encouragement!

Upcoming Clinics: Want to check out False Grips in person? Here are our upcoming clinics.

YouTube Channel: We have tons of drills and demo videos on our YouTube channel for reference.  

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